Training Practical Econimic For Petroleum Production
This training can provide information to all parts of the technical and commercial disciplines in order to understand the theory and methods used to measure the economic value of oil and gas. In the implementation of this training will be revealed fundamental aspects of upstream petroleum economy.
In addition, the training will also be disclosed and discussed in detail about the analysis of financial risk (economic oil and gas). Expected from, the participants will build an economic model, enter data relevant cash flows for the project case studies and scenarios.
Jika anda mengikuti training di PT Mitra Solusi Training, anda akan mendapatkan pembahasan mengenai :
- Introduction
- The purpose of the exploitation of Oil and Gas industry
- Obstacles: The physical properties of rocks, the physical properties of reservoir fluids, flow rate and production settings, the energy reservoir, the technology chosen, etc.
- Consideration of the technical aspects:
- calculation of reserves
- estimated production rate and well service
- work over and well deepening
- engineering borehole, pressure Maintenace and well stimulation.
- Investment costs and operating costs
- concept of time value of money
- acceleration of projects;
- profit indicator, POT, NPV, PIR and ROR.
- Decline curve and dcline rate
- exponential decline curve
- determination of the rate of QoL and economic boundaries.
- Production sharing contract (PSC, JOB, JOA, TAC, EOR)Cash flow: Gross revenue, CR and FTP, sharing, tax and investment, operation cost and net income, discounted cash flow, economic indicators
- Consideration of economic aspects
- Forcasting of oil and gas production
- Studi Kasus / Praktek pemecahan masalah Practical Econimic For Petroleum Production.
Menimbang cukup kompleknya materi pelatihan Practical Econimic For Petroleum Production ini bagi peserta, dibutuhkan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta tidak menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini.
Untuk itu pentingnya agar kita dapat dibimbing melaluli sebuah pelatihan Practical Econimic For Petroleum Production, namun sayangnya tidak banyak training provider yang spesialis di bidang petroleum, untuk itu Perlunya bagi kita untuk dapat memilih provider training yang tepat agar pengetahuan kita mengenai Practical Econimic For Petroleum Production tepat guna dan tepat sasaran.
Hubungi Mitra Solusi Training bisa zoom, online / tatap muka, offline | WA : 0812 9044 6707 untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai jadwal training Practical Econimic For Petroleum Production yang terdekat yang akan running.
Jika anda mengikuti pelatihan Practical Econimic For Petroleum Production secara offline / tatap muka di Mitra Solusi Training, anda juga akan mendapatkan fasilitas :
Free Penjemputan dari bandara ke hotel*.
Modul / Handout.
Certificate of attendance.
FREE Bag or bagpacker.
Lokasi yang dapat anda pilih antara lain :