Training Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting Facilities

Training Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting Facilities


  1. The mine steel structures and the mining supporting facilities are naturally subject to failure cause by corrosion hazards, and potentially affect health, safety and environment. These may result in wasting of steel component, slowing down the mining operation, increasing maintenance and repair cost, loss of asset, loss of production, and sudden failure and injury.
  2. The steel structure include the main mining equipment; and the supporting facilities are field transportation vehicle, ship and barges, jetty, steel piles, bridges, fuel storage tanks, fuel and water transportation pipeline, mining waste disposal pipeline, and any other steel structure in the mining site.
  3. The corrosion damage can only be prevented and totally stopped by application of cathodic protection.
  4. The course focuses on recognition and identification of corrosion hazards, its potential damage to steel structures in the mining field, the risk of equipment failure, injury, and the negative effects to safety and environment; and the principle method and techniques to prevent or control corrosion damage with cathodic protection.
  5. Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection (SACP) method and Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) method will be explained in detail, both for inland (topside) mining steel structures and underwater or water-immersed mining supporting facilities.
  6. It provides a basic but thorough review of corrosion characteristics and its devastating mechanism, cathodic protection principle and method, and the technique by which cathodic protection can be applied. Active participation is encouraged through case studies, examples, and an open discussion format.

Training Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting FacilitiesJika anda mengikuti training di PT Mitra Solusi Training, anda akan mendapatkan pembahasan mengenai :

  1. Corrosion mechanism of mining steel structure and mining supporting facilities.
  2. Atmospheric, soil and water corrosiveness.
  3. Standard and recommended practice for application of anti-corrosion method and materials; and consideration for the use of cathodic protection.
  4. Practical methods to prevent atmospheric topside corrosion.
  5. Cathodic protection for fuel, chemicals, and water storage tanks, silos, piping, structures, and its associated equipment.
  6. Cathodic protection for underground pipeline, structures, and its associated equipment.
  7. Cathodic protection for underwater pipeline and structures, ships, barges, jetty, steel piles, bridges, fuel and water transportation pipeline, waste disposal pipeline, and marine facilities.
  8. Design and installation of SACP and ICCP.
  9. Inspection, monitoring, maintenance and evaluation of SACP and ICCP.
  10. Hazards and Safety in using Cathodic Protection System.
  11. Studi Kasus / Praktek pemecahan masalah Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting Facilities.

Menimbang cukup kompleknya materi pelatihan Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting Facilities ini bagi peserta, dibutuhkan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta tidak menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini.

Untuk itu pentingnya agar kita dapat dibimbing melaluli sebuah pelatihan Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting Facilities, namun sayangnya tidak banyak training provider yang spesialis di bidang engineering, untuk itu Perlunya bagi kita untuk dapat memilih provider training yang tepat agar pengetahuan kita mengenai Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting Facilities tepat guna dan tepat sasaran.

Hubungi Mitra Solusi Training bisa zoom, online / tatap muka, offline | WA : 0812 9044 6707 untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai jadwal training Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting Facilities yang terdekat yang akan running.

Jika anda mengikuti pelatihan Cathodic Protection for Mine Steel Structure and Mining Supporting Facilities secara offline / tatap muka di Mitra Solusi Training, anda juga akan mendapatkan fasilitas :
Free Penjemputan dari bandara ke hotel*.
Modul / Handout.
Certificate of attendance.
FREE Bag or bagpacker.

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